I am fully expecting that after our 4-week resume summer series your resume is a whole situation (ha!).
Now, this isn’t usually my style, but I’ve got some bad news for you.
Even the best resumes don’t get read…*clutches pearls.* Here’s why + how you can fix these common mistakes in about 5 minutes.
Girl, you know I love to make success simple!
Top 3 Reasons Your Resume Isn’t Getting Read + Quick Fixes
Reason 1: The font is making your copy dense and unappealing to the eye. Forget a new layout, you’d be surprised what a lighter font will do.
The Fix: My faves are: Calibri, Calibri Light, Open Sans Light, Franklin Gothic Book. Just hit Ctrl+A and choose a new font…done!
Reason 2: Overusing bullets
The Fix: Turn bullets that just describe your position into sentences and use bullets to highlight key results.
Reason 3: Hidden high points
The Fix: Based on the position you are targeting, move the most relevant points to the top. Make it easy for the reader to see the high points because that’s literally all they are looking for.
There’s a lot more summer left. What should I talk about for our July series? Hit reply and let me know.
Opportunity Awaits,
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