Think of a Career Coach as a Personal Trainer for your Career!
After the most brutal workout with my trainer Kelli, I had a revelation. She and I do the same job just in different industries (except I don’t think up evil ab exercises and take delight when you approach death trying to do them).
5 ways a career coach is like a personal trainer:
1. They want to see you reach your goal. When you win, they win.
2. They don’t accept any excuses from you. Period.
3. They have refined techniques to help you reach your goal quickly and effectively. Starving yourself isn’t a long term approach to weight loss just like changing jobs every year isn’t a long term career approach.
4. They push you past your comfort zone.
5. They are fighting the good fight with you, cheering you on along the way because we all need a cheerleader.
It took me a long time and many failed dieting attempts to acknowledge that I simply could not reach my fitness goals alone. I tried and failed, miserably, time after time. Hiring Kelli, was a bit scary because I didn’t know what to expect and I worried that I’d spend a ton of money and still not reach my goal weight. After just one session I could tell that Kelli was all in and that motivated me in a way that I hadn’t been able to do on my own. Fast forward 4 months later, I’m not at my goal, but she assures me that with every workout, I am getting that much closer.
*Cue light bulb* this is the same approach I take with my clients. It can be scary admitting that what you’ve been doing for years or that you need help. But having someone in your corner that is all about you, just might be the key to the breakthrough you’ve been longing for.
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