That’s it, you’ve had it! You are ready to move on to your next job. Whether you are fed up, feel like you deserve more, or are ready to take the next step in your career once you arrive at the decision to look for a new job, there is one crucial step to take before beginning your job search. While your resume will likely need updating, there’s something else you probably haven’t thought about – your attitude.
Let’s take a quick step back. Before we talk about updating your attitude let’s talk about its current state which can be summarized by answering the question, “Why are you looking for a new job?” Don’t think of this from the perspective of sitting across from an interviewer (something like, “I’m looking for professional growth”). Answer this question from your heart of hearts, what’s the real reason you are ready to throw the deuces? If answers like, “I hate my boss” or “My work is meaningless” come to mind, consider changing those negative, limiting thoughts before you begin your job hunt. Here’s why:
- Negativity tends to attract more negativity. It’s hard to identify your dream job when your mind is focusing on the nightmare you feel like you’re in.
- If you feel like you are trying to leave a desperate situation, you are much more likely to take the next thing that comes along, which may not be the best move for you.
- You lose the ability to see the positive in your situation like the skills, and experiences you acquired or even what you learned NOT to accept in your next role. No matter the situation there is something you can take away from it and that’s a good thing.
Regardless of what’s pushing you to move on to greener pastures, make sure you are approaching it from a positive place so that you can expect (and get) positive results.
Greatness Awaits,
“A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst and sparks extraordinary results.” -Wade Boggs
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