I am mad today…at myself…for subconsciously giving my power away a couple of weeks ago.
My boss missed a meeting with me because he forgot to reschedule it. When we finally connected, he apologized then I interrupted with, “oh no problem, I was worried you thought I’d missed the meeting.”
When I replayed that conversation, I got so mad at myself for not just accepting the apology (that was legit owed, btw) and for taking responsibility for something I had no control over and had no fault in.
Even in that temporary moment, I gave my power away. I literally and figuratively gave my boss permission to not have to respect my time or apologize when he doesn’t.
So why does this matter in the larger scheme of things?
It teaches people how to treat you. When people feel like they don’t have to respect you, they don’t.
When someone doesn’t respect you, it can become very easy to look over you, undervalue your talent, or even take you seriously for a raise and promotion. Of course, we aren’t responsible for what others think but we are responsible when we give them permission not to.
To R-E-S-P-E-C-T,
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