We’re about 3 weeks into a nice little resume update summer series so if you’re looking to make a move this summer or just want to be ready when an opportunity presents itself, I hope you find this info valuable.
Ok, let’s talk about how to construct a high performing resume bullet.
Keep this in mind, resumes are sooo subjective that there’s really no way to write the perfect resume. Hopefully, knowing that takes some pressure off…whew!
I’m slipping on both my hiring manager and resume writer hat when I tell you this…
When you update or add bullets on your resume, focus on being relevant (e.g. skills, experiences, accomplishments related to the job you’re targeting—see last week’s email).
Focus on being conversational, meaning get rid of all the resume fluff crap that doesn’t mean anything and is confusing to read. Literally write your bullets as if you were speaking directly to the decision maker because clear is always better than clever.
Clear = call backs
Confusing = no pile
Opportunity Awaits,
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