Have you been holding yourself back, talking yourself out of applying for certain jobs at certain title or income levels because you don’t meet all of the qualifications?
Keep reading…
Think about it for a second, I’m sure you work with people, right now today, who couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag. Right? And you wonder every day, how in the heck they got this job or any job for that matter.
There’s your evidence that being qualified isn’t always the determining factor for who gets hired.
Here are a few other contributing factors:
1. Potential—you may not have all of the qualifications, but you’ve demonstrated potential and a willingness to learn.
2. Coachability—sometimes being a little bit inexperienced is a plus because it means you aren’t stuck in a certain way of doing things. Managers love these employees because they can be coached to fit into a variety of places on a team.
3. Likability—people want to work with people they like and/or can see getting along well with their clients.
4. Connectivity—being connected to the right people can easily get your name to the top of the list and even an offer. Don’t ever underestimate the power of networking.
5. Fit—this is a big one! Sometimes your unique skills and background are exactly what’s needed to round out the team, even if you and your peer group have the same title. Put another way, there may already be someone on the team who’s an expert in xyz so they need someone who’s familiar with xyz but an expert in 123 to round out the team.
No one ever meets 100% of the job description, like ever! As long as you meet most of the required qualifications, shoot your shot!
There’s no doubt in my mind you’ve got the skills and experience required for the next level. Stop doubting and start doing.
To being mostly qualified,
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