I mentioned a few months ago here, that the hubby and I were buying a new house (yay). What I didn’t mention is, we’re in an apartment for a few months (sarcastic yay). Apartment living is fine except for one small problem. One steamy, stinky, smelly, sometimes big problem-I have to pick up my dogs poop. I am on morning duty, so imagine me in full make up, heels, and a dress bending, scooping, and trying not to gag all in the name of being a responsible pet owner. My day starts of crappy, literally and figuratively these days.
I can’t stay down for long so I sought the lesson for your career or heck, life in this.
Taking crap is just part of life.
No matter who you are, what you do, or where you work, even if its for yourself as an amazing career coach, you will face your share of crap, but…
You get to decide how you feel about it.
I’m in charge of my life. And I won’t turn my power, emotions, how I feel about myself, or how I treat others, over to things that are as insignificant as doggy doo.
There’s power in perspective
Yes, picking up after my dog is something I’d rather not do, but when I think about why I have to do it (because our new home is under construction), I can’t help but be grateful. Plus, it gets me moving, and spending time with my puppy baby, seems kind of like a win, the more I think about it. Aaah, the power of perspective.
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