I’m pretty cheap. I’m talking Pinterest projects every weekend, bring my own snacks to the movies (don’t you dare judge me) kind of cheap. No, scratch that, I’m not cheap. I am a value seeker. I will spend money and invest in things that I see as valuable, like other small businesses, education, and Simply Orange (it matters, trust me). Who knew that my hair would teach me a lesson about value and investing in my career.
I got my hair done this weekend and it didn’t dawn on me until today (3 days and several compliments later) that my steam treatment and blowout was more than worth the money. Apparently I wasn’t doing as good of a job as I thought, but I tricked, conditioned myself to believe that doing my hair myself was just as good as a professional stylist. I bought into that I was getting more value by doing my hair at home but my dry scalp and split ends, determined that was a lie.
What areas in your career have you convinced yourself are good enough? Maybe you created your own resume and you’re proud of the results. It looks good, until you compare it to one professionally written. You’ve gotten a job before without interview coaching right? Why roll the dice when your dream job is at stake? What happens when you are compared to a candidate(s) who have invested in their careers?
I’m the president and founding member of the do-it-yourself club, when it makes sense. We cannot be masters of everything but we can convince ourselves that we are. When we entrust our novice skills to the things that matter we should expect novice results.
Fact: There are some things that you will get much better results and value when you leave it to professionals, hairstyles (in my case) being one of them. If you are serious about taking control over your career and loving what you do, consult a professional and devise a plan on how you can do just that. Now, pardon me while I go book my next salon appointment.
Greatness Awaits,
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