I hugged two people in my office in the span of one day. And no, HR was not called. Hugging and work are not words that I usually put together for obvious legal reasons but also because we normally don’t view our co-workers as “regular” people. Kind of like as a kid when you saw your teachers outside of school; it just didn’t seem right. Somehow the stars aligned just right and I ran into one lady who was crying and had coffee with another person about some personal issues. I didn’t pry, didn’t judge, I just listened like a friend would then gave a quick squeeze to let them know that I care and they aren’t out here alone.
Here’s today’s lesson kids: Our co-workers are kind of like in-laws, family we didn’t choose but are forced to be around anyway. Sometimes lines get crossed, personalities don’t mesh and the next thing you know, you can’t stand “so and so”. Then old “so and so” becomes another bullet on your list of reasons why your job sucks. Co-workers, bosses, the guy who never makes a new pot of coffee are people with issues and struggles just like you. And guess what, you’re probably on their list of reasons why their job sucks. The stress and politics of the office can often reduce them to obstacles and emotions, but remember, they are deserving of compassion and grace just like you are. Let’s all choose to have a little bit more compassion at work. God knows we can all use it.
I asked if I could give those two hugs out first. I am not the office creeper.
Greatness Awaits,
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