Remember last week, I told you that you need to be bringing up the topic of a raise or promotion now and that you’d need concrete reasons why you deserve it? Well, let me help you out and give you 3 to get your juices flowing. Already on the hunt? I’m hosting a super intimate masterclass on 12/10 where I’m teaching my $100K resume writing method click here to join me.
Reason #1. You saved the company a significant amount of money.
Bonus points if this is a savings that will be realized over many years, meaning a $25K savings today = $100K in 4 years.
Examples of cost-saving projects or initiatives can include improving a process, negotiating a better price, or eliminating a vendor. And no, you didn’t have to do it all alone. As long as you played a significant role in the project, bring it up.
Reason #2. You took on additional responsibilities.
Funny how that works, right? You end up picking up the slack or taking on more than your fair share of the workload, but somehow it never translates to your paycheck.
Maybe you took on a new team or project after someone quit or consistently put in extra hours to ensure a big project got completed. Either way, you went way above the call of duty and you’ve got the deliverables to prove it.
Reason #3. Your (or your team’s) idea became a product or service.
Rather than save the company money, if you or a team you are on produced a revenue-producing idea or product for the company, you are well within your rights to ask for a raise and/or bonus for your contribution.
Don’t forget to schedule your meeting in advance, practice your pitch, and be prepared for multiple conversations.
To getting paid,
P.S. I’m teaching the exact framework I use to write $100K resumes on December 10th so if you’re changing jobs in 2020 come and get your resume all the way together. I don’t know when I’ll be teaching this again (if ever). Click here to join me!
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